One has to live, drink and think Lloyd Evans to adequately translate all this. Kind of like method acting. I just discovered this so the closest thing I could do to get into character was to rub my pelvic area and take a bite out of a chocolate bar. Do tell me know how I am doing.
February has been a slow month for me because I've been battling a weirdly-lengthy cold-flu virus which has majorly impacted my productivity
Is it that time again? I’ll post something in members only so exiting patrons whose access is about to be restricted can have some motivation not to drop. If they can buy the bullshit that I’ve been ill, that ought to help.
I was really hoping to get a video out today (i.e. right at the end of the month) but unfortunately despite my best efforts it just hasn't worked out the way I wanted
It’s becoming clearer to me by the day that I will have to get a job if this trend doesn’t reverse and thinking about it upsets me. So I’ve been self medicating as usual and my brain is so fried that I can’t concentrate. In the past I just filmed some shit and sent it to Tibor to clean up. But I’m usually gobbling up edibles at night and can’t get anything done.
I'm therefore going to try to hit the ground running in March and focus on clearing some more of the backlog of videos requested by my amazing patrons and YouTube channel members.
What’s a phrase I can use to excuse me from accomplishing hardly any of my patron perks? “Backlog of videos”. Let’s call it that.
I've also resumed work on the Second Edition of The Reluctant Apostate, which will be made available simultaneously in English and German!
Oops I probably should have used the word “resume” because that would indicate that I’ve stopped.
So far we on schedule to release both versions (and hopefully, an audiobook!) in early 2025.
Being an apostate isn’t the only thing I’m reluctant about. I’ll shoot for 2025 even though it won’t take me that long. I need to account for my many breaks and then I’ll demand a quick turnaround from my volunteer German translator and throw the burden publicly upon them for the delay of releasing this live saving work.
Since January 1 the channel has grown by around 800 subscribers, which is great news and definitely motivates me to continue!
I shouldn’t give you a negative number with regard to patrons as that will bring the wrong message, so I’ll just put it out there that 800 people have supposedly started watching me for free.
I obviously no longer have a video editor so a lot more time, effort and thought needs to go into each upload even though there are fewer of them
Fuck Tibor and his salary demands. I guess I need to do it myself, but I’m decreasing my workload and think I should be paid the same as it was when he dropped. But these M7 criminals forced me into this, remember that! Way to go M7!
I have also been giving some thought to the Patreon/YouTube channel member tiers and how they can be streamlined
These $1 patrons are killing me! Why can’t they all pledge $25 or $50? What? You want something more? Fine, tell me what you want and I’ll see if I can do it. If it fits into my schedule. I’ll have to be motivated too. Assholes.
For now I just want to sincerely thank all of you who take an interest in my channel, especially the 443 of you currently supporting it as patrons and channel members
Allow me to take this opportunity to remind people of how many different ways you can pay me. Did you catch my note about retooling the merchandise page?
It's very difficult to keep dipping into my religious experience - a source of profound personal trauma
That’s right you bloody plebs. I’ve been going on about JWs and revisiting this for 15 years now since I went inactive so you owe me. I’d really rather not be doing this but it’s the only thing on this planet I can do to convince people to pay me.